The purposes of Primary Education

10 December, 2017

The purposes of primary education should be to create confident healthy individuals, who are prepared for higher and further education and future life. Primary education should aim to provide an exciting and creative way of learning to engage a young learner’s attention and mind to instil a passion and interest in the learner for a successful learning journey.

I feel a creative way of learning and teaching is a more engaging approach for the learner and teacher, using collaboration and different teaching styles including digital competency can prepare students for the ever-changing world of technology and social changes.

Although primary education should start to prepare children for secondary learning, more focus should be on the present education taking place at primary stage as there is huge development potential, children leaving primary school however be equipped with the skills for primary school but also life essential skills (Alexander 2013).

Although basic knowledge in core subjects is vital I believe the development of children’s morals and social identity is of huge importance throughout primary education, learning how to be respectful and confidence to aid children for a successful future, Heronsgate primary school takes a value based education approach to primary education , promoting respect and teaching values, these values are spread throughout the curriculum improving behaviour, emotional development and social involvement preparing them to become good citizens of the future. If we want children to grow up with respect for laws and societal changes they need to be taught about morals and decisions making that is based around a good set of morals (Tait, 2015).

The views of Heronsgate primary school are similar to the recommendations of the Donaldson report (2015) who explains that the primary curriculum should enable students to be ethical,

respectful citizens of Wales.

I believe Digital learning in primary school is essential, due to the ever-changing technological advances, digital competency will be the base of many professions and careers of today’s young learners, 78 percent of teachers believe that digital literacy had the same importance and relevance as literacy and numeracy (Williams, 2016).  Paignton academy (2013) explains that technology is highly likely to continue to expand, teaching children to use technology is equipping with tools for the future, it’s key to prepare children for the workplace and education throughout their lives as technology is becoming the primary form of communications and interactions.

I feel the recommendations of the Donaldson report (2015) are an excellent guide as to what the aims of primary education should be, preparing healthy confident individuals that possess the skills to contribute socially, creatively and be prepared for work life and education with a passion of to learn and respect for others and the environment. These key factors should surely mean success for the future. I feel that the recommendations of the Donaldson report that have hugely been accepted by schools throughout wales indicate the importance of the holistic development through the new curriculum not just knowledge and core subjects but teaching children to have good values, morals and skills that they can use throughout their lives

This mission statement by Newall Green Primary schools is very similar to a lot of other primary schools, highlighting and recognising the importance of core subjects but the progression of students as people including morals.

Evans, G. (2015) The Donaldson report: an at a glance guide. 25 February, Available at: . Accessed 09 November 2017.

Alexander, R. (2013) Eight priorities to improve primary education, 04 October, Available at:  . Accessed 29 November 2017.

Cremin, T. (2013) Play in education: The role and importance of creativity. 27 February, Available at . Accessed 19 November 2017.

Williams, K. New term means digital skills on par with reading and maths in welsh curriculum. 21 September. Welsh Government, available at:

Tait, P. (2015) We should be teaching morals and ethics in our schools, 11 March, available at:


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