Expressive Arts

Marisa Hewett st20104114 How could expressive arts sessions relate to the four purposes of the curriculum? (Donalson 2015) The Expressive Arts has been proposed as one of the six areas of learning and experience within Donaldson’s review of the Welsh Curriculum which was published in Febuary 2015 which is called ‘Successful Futures’ which aims to create a change and emphasis of the importance of art within the curriculum to be introduced throughout Wales by 2022. Through Expressive Arts Area of Learning and Experience, teachers and schools encourage their students to develop their creative skills such as appreciation, talent and their artistic performance skills. The Expressive Arts will include art, drama, music, dance, film and digital media which helps to develop many key skills and promotes the four purposes of the curriculum. Expressive arts allows for many opportunities to merge disciplines and promote links with other areas of learning experiences. This concept promotes all four purposes and can be taught across the curriculum. As the expressive arts provides opportunities to explore and redefine different concepts and communicate ideas through engaging thinking and imagination, it develops creates ambitious, capable learners as it encourages students to explore new challenging areas of experience and strive to improve their performance. As it is taught through exploration and practice many key skills are developed through this knowledge and understanding such as thinking critically as doing is an important element it creates a deeper level of understanding which promotes the four purposes through the interconnecting creative learning process of the ‘What Matters’ concepts which include; explore and experience, create and express, respond and reflect. By communicating effectively throughout different contexts and settings, encourages the students to critically evaluate and take creative risks, allowing them to gain confidence and make connections to apply skills and knowledge in different contexts which will develop the students into ambitious capable learners who are ready to learn throughout their lives. Engagement within the expressive arts requires close attention to detail, perseverance and application which can benefit widely across learning. As the expressive arts provides inspiration and motivation as it brings students together with the creative processes, performances and products of others which will stimulate their own experimentation and creativity. By developing creativity through a range of forms of expression, provides students with rich contexts and challenges which can develop their problem-solving skills through working collaboratively and learning through reflection from critical appraisal of their work which thus creates enterprising, creative contributors. Expressive arts also promotes the exploration of issues and personal and cultural identity. Professor Dai Smith states ‘it is clear that across countries the world recognizes the significance and potential of the arts in enabling improved educational, social and economic outcomes.’ By engaging with a range of art forms from throughout historical events, time periods and society, of Wales and the rest of the world. Which allows the students to gain an understanding and respect of themselves and others through the responses and interpretations of their peers which will impact their own interactions. As it enables them to understand their own cultural identity and those of societies worldwide throughout history and explore difficult issues which develops tolerance, empathy and appreciation of cultures which creates informed citizens who are ready to be citizens of Wales and the world. Students will engage with art that arose from key periods in time, political movements and societal change which allows them to engage with contemporary issues in an informed empathetic way, which develops their critical thinking skills and learners will display an increased comprehension of the context of art in the world around them. By participating in various expressive arts performances and experiences in different genres students develop many technical and personal skills including self-awareness and collaboration through fun and enjoyment in ever-increasing complexity making meaningful contributions which enrich their lives by providing opportunities for continued life-long learning. The curriuculum provides many opportunities for experiences such as visits to the theatres and galleries, as the achievement that they see could also provide a basis for lifelong learning which could ultimately lead to a thriving economy and cultural life for Wales as it helps to develop resilience and confidence through enjoyment and personal satisfaction from contributing directly, creative expression to enrich the quality of their lives. By developing confidence and understanding in their own learning, empowering students to take measured risks and make the most of opportunities so they are ready to play a full part in life and work.


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