
Showing posts from December, 2017

Collaborative learning

Collaborative learning 12 December, 2017 Collaborative learning can help learners in different ways, by working in groups a student can listen and interpret peers’ views and opinions, working in groups can allow room for suggestions to help others but also gain constructive criticism, if a student within a group is struggling on a certain topic but other members of a group understand they can help each other. Collaboration in group learning an also provide students who are quiet or shy can help to boost their confidence with support from Other group members. Collaboration also has a social Impact which can improve learning, if the learner feels more comfortable and relaxed within groups they can take in more from the learning experience . Collaboration in learning has huge research underpinning it, and is for the purpose of academic achievement, success for one helps other group members success (Goherk, 2016) Collaborative learning improves group/team work and h

Creativity in learning

Creativity In Learning 10 December ,2017 Creativity learning can impact learning in many ways, it can improve engagement and concentration levels,   I have experienced and witnessed this myself when observing my child learn at home. When my child who is 4 does homework such as learning letters or numbers an ordinary approach usually ends in frustration and lack of concentration as she does not feel interested, however when we use a creative approach the learning feels less like learning but more   like a fun activity but with the same education outcome. Writing letters using play- dough or in mud, or instead of using maths on paper or in a book using objects to identify number created more of an interest and excitement in the learning. Hicks(2015) believes that a specific skill can become dated and lack in value for the future where as the ability to be creative can be adaptable, the future is unpredictable for students due to social and economical changes, therefore the studen

The purposes of Primary Education

WHAT ARE THE PURPOSES OF PRIMARY EDUCATION? 10 December, 2017 The purposes of primary education should be to create confident healthy individuals, who are prepared for higher and further education and future life. Primary education should aim to provide an exciting and creative way of learning to engage a young learner’s attention and mind to instil a passion and interest in the learner for a successful learning journey. I feel a creative way of learning and teaching is a more engaging approach for the learner and teacher, using collaboration and different teaching styles including digital competency can prepare students for the ever-changing world of technology and social changes. Although primary education should start to prepare children for secondary learning, more focus should be on the present education taking place at primary stage as there is huge development potential, children leaving primary school however be equipped with the skills for primary school but al

Cross- curricular learning

“Throughout our discussion of curriculum, we stress that children ‘s learning does not fit into subject categories”. (Plowden, 1967, p.555). The current curriculum is outdated and over due a renovation to bring it up to date, to coincide with the modern world we live in today. Essential features of the curriculum were devised in 1988, and fail to reflect the world wide web. (Donaldson,2015). With Donaldson set to change Wales curriculum in 2021, the new curriculum is based on the six areas of learning and experience. These are literacy and communication, maths and numeracy, science and technology, expressive arts, health and wellbeing, and humanities. It will also see in the induction of three cross-curricular responsibilities. ·          Literacy- competence in literacy, spoken word, syntax, and spelling. ·          Numeracy- including arithmetical and data handling skills. ·          Digital- competence in using digital technology skills in all areas of education and

Cross Curricula

In this blog post we shall be exploring why cross curricula is so important within education establishments and the benefits the students get from it. We need to ask ourselves as professionals do we stick to the traditional way of teaching or do we need to utilise and make links with other subjects to help the pupils.   According to (Plowden, 1967, p555) Stress that children’s learning does not fit into subject categories’ and this was 50 years ago and only know are we getting to a point where we are linking other subjects together and this is where Donaldson who is recommending the Welsh government on curriculum reforms to improve our educational system here in Wales and wants to see more cross-curricula links within todays education to prepare them better for the workplace of the future. This is why Eisner (1996) blame this way of thinking for a diminution of children’s knowledge of which is very true and could have been rectified some decades back and not left until now. Other

Creativity in the classroom

The focus of this blog post is to evaluate and review our current educational system and look at the delivery within the classroom. We need to ask our self's as teachers are we being creative and are we being artistic, within the classroom? There are a lot of views out there around 'creativity' but mainly all agree on these... These include: Imagination Originality (the ability to come up with ideas and products that are new and unusual) Productivity (the ability to generate a variety of different ideas through divergent thinking) Problem Solving (application of knowledge and imagination to a given situation) (Sharp 2004, p.5) O ver the last decade many teachers have exercised their professional artistry and sought to teach more creatively and nurture children’s creativity (Jeffrey and Woods, 2003; Grainger, Goouch and Lambirth, 2005; Craft, Cremin and Burnard, 2007) This has proven hard due to the recent budget cuts to education from the government and the use

What do you think should be the purposes of primary education?

This blog post shall be highlighting the purposes of primary education but also my pedagogical views within education. A definition of pedagogy would be the following: “The method and practice of teaching, especially as an academic subject or theoretical concept” Education is the engine of our economy it also prepares them for adult life and teaches the values of society to our future children (Stevenson A, 2010 P:1309). Another view of what pedagogy is by Donaldson. “Pedagogy is about more than ‘teaching’ in the narrow sense of methods used in the classroom. It represents the considered choice of those methods in light of the purposes of the curriculum and the needs and developmental stage of the children and young people” (Donaldson G, 2015, P:63). Firstly, education is so important for individuals to develop and engage fully with society. Within an educational establishment, their focus is to develop certain skills for children to develop and achieve their full pote